Table of Plenty

Table of Plenty

Table of Plenty is a free community meal served at Zion from 5:30-7:00 p.m. on the fourth Monday of every month. Guests are welcomed, seated, and served by community volunteers who have provided the meal for the evening. The goal of this meal is to provide a welcoming atmosphere where all who hunger for food or fellowship can gather and be nourished. All are welcome at this no-cost meal.

The next Table of Plenty meal will be held on Monday, September 23 from 5:30-7:00 PM. The meal is sponsored by Avera and will be pulled pork, macaroni salad, chips, and dessert.

Weekly Announcements

Announcements for the Weeks of September 15

Here are some highlights of the events and happenings at Zion.  For a full list of announcements, please click here.

Worship and Fellowship

WORSHIP SCHEDULE–We currently have one service available on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. with Holy Communion being served each week. Each service features a kids’ time and is broadcast live on the radio on KSDN 930 AM and 102.1 FM. A time of fellowship and elementary and middle/high school Faith  Explorers follows worship, starting at 10:15 a.m. All services are livestreamed on our Facebook page, and recordings are uploaded to our YouTube channel.

Prayer Pause is held weekly on Wednesdays at 12:15 PM on Facebook. We will gather virtually to pray for the church, our community, and the world. If you are busy at work or at play, set an alarm clock, take time to sit and breathe from your location knowing you are not praying alone. Together, let us unite in prayer for our neighbors and all that we wish to lift up to God.  Make plans to join us!


Join us every Wednesday evening to learn about living our faith out loud. Each week will begin with a meal and fellowship at 6:05 PM; we will then begin a deeper dive into the Sunday morning scripture readings at 6:20 PM, with  opportunities for discussion and reflection on being Lutherans in smaller groups after the opening. We invite all to the Living Out Loud evenings!



Ministry Opportunities

Would you consider donating either the whole cost or half the cost of a Sunday broadcast? A whole Sunday service is $110.00 and one half is $55.00. You are welcome to donate in remembrance of a loved one or in celebration of a special occasion to support this ministry. To sign up as a sponsor, contact the church office at 225-6755.


OFFERINGS for September are—

Local: Salvation Army
World: ELCA Global Ministries

Please see the full bulletin for more information.


2025 SUMMER MISSION TRIP—To hear details, plan to attend the final info meeting on Sunday, Sept. 15 at 11:00 AM in Classrooms A&B. This trip will be for ages 13 (completed 7th grade in Spring of 2025) and older. If you can’t be at the meeting but would like more info, please visit with Saundra. The registration deadline for the trip is Monday, September 30.

Youth and Family


Upcoming Youth Events

2025 SUMMER MISSION TRIP—To hear details plan to attend the final info meeting on Sunday, Sept. 15 at 11:00 AM in Classrooms A&B. This trip will be for ages 13 (completed 7th grade in Spring of 2025) and older. If you can’t be at the meeting but would like more info, please visit with Saundra. The registration deadline for the trip is Monday, September 30.\


The first day of elementary Faith Explorers will be on Sunday, September 8. Please meet following worship in the sanctuary for opening.  A letter was mailed home with all the details!

The first day of middle and high school Faith Explorers will also be on September 8. Youth will participate in the Dash for Cans and then will begin their normal meeting time on September 15 @ 10:15 AM in the youth room.


FALL KICKOFF SUNDAY—We are so excited to begin another fall season here at Zion! There are several activities planned for the  morning, so be sure to mark September 8 on your calendar!

Schedule of events:

9:00 AM Worship with Holy Communion, and Faith Milestones for 1st grade and 3 year olds

10:15 AM Fellowship & Dash for Cans

10:15 AM Faith Explorers opening in the sanctuary; parent meeting to follow

2:00 PM SkateAway Fellowship event

Faith Explorer children and parents will meet in the sanctuary following worship for the opening with a parent meeting to  follow. Middle and high school youth and adults are invited to “dash for cans”, which will be a collection of canned goods for our freezer meal ministry.

Then, from 2-4:30 PM, everyone is invited to gather at SkateAway for an afternoon of fun and fellowship together! Cost is $9/person and includes the skate rental.

Connect with Us


If you are worshiping with us for the first time, we would love to know who you are. If you’re ready to connect with us, the best way to do that is to fill out the Digital Connect Card below.

We look forward to following up with you.

    Online Worship Services


    June 30, 2024 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Worship Service

    Worship Schedule & Directions

    We currently have one service available on Sunday mornings. Worship is at 9:00 a.m. and can be heard live on KSDN 930 AM and 102.1 FM; this service will be alternating worship music styles with traditional music on the first and third Sundays of the month and contemporary music on the second and fourth Sundays.

    Holy Communion will be available each week. All who believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is truly present in the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper, bringing to us the gift of forgiveness and the promise of eternal life, are welcome to gather at the Lord’s Table. Gluten-free wafers and juice are available, as well.

    All services will be livestreamed on our Facebook page and website. Recordings of the broadcasts will also be available after to be viewed at any time on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel.