PRAYER PAUSE – Each Wednesday at 12:15 PM, we will gather to pray for the church, our community, and the world. If you have the opportunity, please join the pastor in the sanctuary to pray and lean into listening for God’s love. There will be a variety of experiences available to enrich your practice. If you are busy at work or at play, set an alarm clock, take time to sit and breath from your location knowing your are not praying alone. Together let us unite in prayer for our neighbors and all that we wish to lift up to God. Make plans to join us!
FIRESIDE FAITH – Starting this summer, we will be hosting “Fireside Faith” on the second Friday of the month. We will bring out the fire pit, sing some songs, play some games, and celebrate life together as a community in faith. The first event on June 14th will also include an ice cream social. So bring your sweet tooth and your passion for summer fun. We will be meeting in the south parking lot at 7:00 pm.
2025 SUMMER MISSION TRIP – Plans are in the works for an intergenerational summer mission trip to Milwaukee in June of 2025. To hear preliminary details, plan to attend the info meeting on Sunday, June 9 at 10:15 AM in Classrooms A&B. This trip will be for those finishing 7th grade in the 24-25 school year and older. If you can’t be at the meeting but would like more information, please visit with Pastoral Assistant Saundra.