Weekly Announcements

Announcements for the Week of December 1

Here are some highlights of the events and happenings at Zion.  For a full list of announcements, please click here.

Worship and Fellowship

WORSHIP SCHEDULE–We currently have one service available on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. with Holy Communion being served each week. Each service features a kids’ time and is broadcast live on the radio on KSDN 930 AM and 102.1 FM. A time of fellowship and elementary and middle/high school Faith  Explorers follows worship, starting at 10:15 a.m. All services are livestreamed on our Facebook page, and recordings are uploaded to our YouTube channel.

Join us as we wait in anticipation of our Savior’s birth! Midweek Advent worship services will be held at 6:05 PM on December 4, 11, and 18; services will be livestreamed.  Each service will feature music from Holden Evening Prayer and a message. There will be suppers available before worship from 5:30-6:00 PM for a freewill donation.


Ministry Opportunities

Would you consider donating either the whole cost or half the cost of a Sunday broadcast? A whole Sunday service is $110.00 and one half is $55.00. You are welcome to donate in remembrance of a loved one or in celebration of a special occasion to support this ministry. To sign up as a sponsor, contact the church office at 225-6755.


OVE OFFERINGS for December are—

Book Drive for Mission & Outreach
Noisy Offering for Milwaukee Mission Trip

Please see the full bulletin for more information.



Notice of Special Meeting 8/30/23 - Village of Millbrook

There will be a special meeting of the congregation held on Sunday, December 8 immediately following worship. The reason for the meeting is to present proposed constitution and bylaw changes that will be voted on at the annual meeting. You’ll have an opportunity to review the proposed changes and ask questions at the annual meeting forums held in January. Please plan to attend!


**PLEASE NOTE: The December Table of Plenty Meal will be on Monday, December 16 due to the Christmas holiday.**

Youth and Family

MISSION TRIP MEETING—There will be a meeting for all participants of the Milwaukee Mission Trip on Sunday, December 1 @ 10:30 AM in Classrooms A&B. If you’re going on the trip, please plan to attend!




There will be a Christmas party on Sunday, December 8th following worship at 10:30 AM in the youth room.  We’ll enjoy some delicious snacks together as you try to escape the Nativity escape room! Mark the date on your calendar!