Announcements for the Week of November 17
Here are some highlights of the events and happenings at Zion. For a full list of announcements, please click here.
Worship and Fellowship
WORSHIP SCHEDULE–We currently have one service available on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. with Holy Communion being served each week. Each service features a kids’ time and is broadcast live on the radio on KSDN 930 AM and 102.1 FM. A time of fellowship and elementary and middle/high school Faith Explorers follows worship, starting at 10:15 a.m. All services are livestreamed on our Facebook page, and recordings are uploaded to our YouTube channel.
PRAYER PAUSE–Prayer Pause is held weekly on Wednesdays at 12:15 PM on Facebook. We will gather virtually to pray for the church, our community, and the world. If you are busy at work or at play, set an alarm clock, take time to sit and breathe from your location knowing you are not praying alone. Together, let us unite in prayer for our neighbors and all that we wish to lift up to God. Make plans to join us!
LIVING OUT LOUD—Join us every Wednesday evening to learn about living our faith out loud. Each week will begin with a meal and fellowship at 6:05 PM; we will then begin a deeper dive into the Sunday morning scripture readings at 6:20 PM, with opportunities for discussion and reflection on being Lutherans in smaller groups after the opening. We invite all to the Living Out Loud evenings!
Ministry Opportunities
Would you consider donating either the whole cost or half the cost of a Sunday broadcast? A whole Sunday service is $110.00 and one half is $55.00. You are welcome to donate in remembrance of a loved one or in celebration of a special occasion to support this ministry. To sign up as a sponsor, contact the church office at 225-6755.
LOVE OFFERINGS for November are—
Local: Safe Harbor
World: WELCA
Please see the full bulletin for more information.
Youth and Family
S’MORES WITH SAUNDRA–Join Saundra for some yummy treats in the north parking lot on the last date, November 17.
Open to middle and high school youth—bring a friend, and don’t forget to dress warm! Hotdogs will also be available to roast over the open flame, too!