Worship is held at 9:00 AM each Sunday. Traditional worship services are held on the first and third Sundays of the month. Contemporary services led by our Praise Band are held on the second and fourth Sundays.
Midweek worship is held on Wednesday evenings during the season of Advent and during the season of Lent. Special services are also held during Holy Week and Christmas.
Currently, communion is celebrated each week during worship.
All who believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is truly present in the bread and wine of The Lord’s Supper, bringing to us the gift of forgiveness and the promise of eternal life, are welcome to gather at the Lord’s Table on these Sundays.
We celebrate Baptisms at any worship service. We hold Baptisms during the worship services to emphasize that the Baptized is being made a member of the faith community.
To schedule a Baptism, please contact the church office at 225-6755.
Worship Style
We offer a traditional worship service on alternating Sundays, with music led by organ and piano. Our Praise Band leads the music at our contemporary service on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. The band consists of keyboard, acoustic guitar, bass, drums, and vocals. All of our worship services include the confession and forgiveness, the Creeds, the Lord’s Prayer, Holy Communion, and a sermon from our pastor.
Children in Worship
We welcome children with all their wiggles in worship! We provide Worship Toolboxes for kids to use during the service, which allows them to learn about and participate in the different parts of worship. Just pick one up on your way in from the cabinets in the Prayground area.
At the back of our sanctuary is a “Prayground” area where young children can experience worship through materials and tools that will help keep them engaged. This space includes colorful seating, children’s worship bulletins, the Worship Toolboxes, coloring pages, puzzles, and a variety of other activities. Children are welcome to use this space at any time during a worship service, and the area is supervised by an adult during the sermon so parents and children can both engage in the message.
We also have children’s picture Bibles in the pews, in addition to those that are found in the Worship Toolboxes. Most Sundays, we have a message time just for children where they are invited to the front of the sanctuary.
Children also gather “Noisy Offerings” once a month for our monthly special offerings.
We have an unstaffed nursery available just outside of the sanctuary for times when parents need that space for their children.