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KIDS’ TIME AND NOISY OFFERING–Kids’ time is available during all worship services.

 This is a time for kids to gather at the front of the sanctuary and connect to our readings in a fun and interactive way. It allows children to hear God’s love for them, all while being a part of the worship service.

On the second Sunday of the month, kids can help collect our noisy offering during the offering time by carrying buckets to our congregational members.


FAITH EXPLORERS–Join us each week for Faith Explorers (formerly called Sunday School)! Faith Explorers begins with a group opening upstairs in the Friendship Room at 10:15 AM.




NO CLASS THIS WEEK — Collective Sweat Detroit
There will be no Faith Explorers on Sunday, March 23 in celebration of Spring Break. Faith Explorers will resume on Sunday, March 30.




Summer Camp Registration

If you have a 1st grade student or older, it’s time to start thinking about summer options for camp! Lutheran Outdoors in South Dakota offers three different locations with options to suit whatever interests you have!

If you are interested in applying for camp, please speak with Saundra as soon as possible so we can get you registered and discuss fundraising options.  There are some camperships available, as well!

If we have enough kids interested, we will attend the Explorers Camps at NeSoDak in July/August as a Zion group. If your 1st-5th grade child (2024-2025 school year) is interested in going together, please reach out to Ministry Coordinator Saundra. 

1-2-3 Camp                                       July 27-29
2-3 Junior Explorers
                   July 29-31
3-5 Explorers                                   July 29-Aug 1